10. Music and learning go hand-in-hand. My child will be learning while singing, dancing, playing, and having fun!
9. I will learn more about my child’s developmental abilities, and how music can enhance developmental progress in so many ways.
8. We will both make new friends that can last a lifetime.
7. The weekly process of Kindermusik builds and strengthens connections in my child’s brain, which improves my child’s abilities in many areas, including: physical coordination, listening and language skills, regulating personal emotions, interacting with peers and adults, as well as gaining musical abilities.
6. Because play is the work of childhood, it will allow my child to use his/her creativity and imagination.
5. My child will be able to explore and experience a wide variety of instruments and music in a way that they may not otherwise have a chance to experience.
4. Kindermusik fosters joyful music making using quality instruments and recordings, and prepares my child for future formal music studies.
3. Home materials (songs, learning activities, recipes, books, & more) provides wonderful bonding time for me and my child and bring the magic and learning of class into my home!
2. My Kindermusik educator is trained and licensed to facilitate Kindermusik’s well researched music and movement curricula. This educator will truly care for me and my child, and will do their best to meet the needs of my family.
1. A good beginning never ends. The benefits of Kindermusik last a lifetime.