There was a fascinating article recently published in Forbes magazine about how one man is using music, and specifically a music school, to shape a new generation in Vietnam. The title of the article says it all, “Music Awakens Education in Vietnam.” Nguyen Hong Minh’s vision is to use music to broaden minds, expand opportunities, impact the current culture, and create future leaders – all with a goal of changing his society for the better. And he believes that he can accomplish his mission through one very powerful means… giving students an opportunity to study music and the performing arts at Erato Music & Performing Arts.
For over 30 years, Kindermusik International has also been committed to a similar mission – that of changing our world through music, one child at a time. KI’s newest initiative, ABC English & Me, demonstrates the power of music to help children learn, develop, and blossom. ABC English & Me is a unique and exciting mix of music and movement activities proven to help teach young English language learners while at play.
But like all Kindermusik classes, ABC English & Me is much more than just a weekly class experience. The fun, music, and learning extend throughout the week at home through interactive @Home Materials that help parents support, enjoy, and enlarge the learning process in the place where children often learn best – at home.
Here are a few simple ways you can change your own little corner of the world through music and make a powerful difference in your child’s life:
- Expose your children to a wide variety of music.
- Keep music playing at home and in the car whenever possible.
- Talk about what you hear in the music, identifying specific instruments or discussing the qualities of the music (fast, slow, loud, soft, etc.).
- Have age-appropriate musical instruments available for your child to explore and play.
- Sing and dance together – Your child doesn’t care how good you are, just that you care enough to sing or dance with him!
- Read books about music to your child. Here’s a list compiled by an elementary music teacher.
- Take your children to music performances and concerts.
- Watch good music and performing arts performances on TV, DVD, or webcast.
- Inspire a love for music and take advantage of the benefits of music from a very early age – Kindermusik classes are a great place to start! (You can even try a class for free!)