Busy mom and music educator, Lisa Huisman Koops, has found the perfect solution for finding the time in her family’s very busy schedule to develop her child’s awareness and interest in music… the family car. And then she did a study to prove her theory that the family car, or family “taxi,” was indeed an excellent music space for fostering musical development and family togetherness. After all, the family car is one place where families are regularly together a lot!
Here’s what Koops discovered about utilizing the family car for enhancing music appreciation and development:
- “It is distraction-free from home activities, such as cooking, cleaning and phone calls.
- Minimal eye contact by parents gave the children a sense of freedom to experiment.
- Confined space in the car helped parents focus on their children, play games and reflect about what music the child listened to or composed on his or her own.
- The divided front and back seats provided a close space where siblings could interact with each other through music making.
- Families also found siblings interacted in singing and playing musical games together.”
Read this recap of the study from Case Western music educator, Lisa Huisman Koops:
Family “taxi” may be the ideal place to develop child’s interest in music
At Kindermusik, we’re all about helping to make great parenting just a little bit easier… and a whole lot more musical. So we’ve put together some helpful resources and ideas that help you put the music, love, and happy times in your own family taxi.
As our gift to you, we want you to have this free download which includes ten easy ways to make your “Family Taxi” a more musical place that inspires learning and creates lifelong memories. Don’t feel you have to try them all at once, by the way! Even one or two at a time will go a long way towards creating a happy, musical, learning environment while you’re on the go.
Free Download: Make your “Family Taxi” a more musical place
BONUS! Includes a Road Trip Playlist and 5 Free Song Downloads from Kindermusik.
Kindermusik International is also happy to extend an invitation for you to try a free Kindermusik class since Kindermusik is the ideal place for being inspired with music and child development tips that help you put a song in your child’s heart… and in the family car!