The WESSA/ World Wildlife Fund eco-schools program, launched in South Africa in 2003, is an innovative curriculum based environmental education initiative which seeks to teach future generations the importance of conservation.
Eco-schools is an internationally recognized program operating in over 51 countries. 1200 South African schools, from rural under-resourced schools to private, independent schools are registered ensuring environmental action and responsibility at all levels, in all cultures and in all places.
Children have engaged in sustainability projects like water-wise food gardens, sustainable technologies like solar cookers, invasive species removal, cleaning up pollution and designing posters for social issues like HIV/AIDS.
Schools are awarded a “green flag” by taking action on local environmental issues. They are reassessed every year to make sure that their efforts endure, making “sustainability” their mantel of success.
This short film was made possible by funding from Mazda and is an inspiring reminder that children learn best when play, action, and real-world interaction are emphasized. Music and environmental education are a power duo: they amplify each other’s educational benefits of learning through play, tactile engagement, social interaction, and creativity. Don’t forget to emphasize the environmental overtones in your Kindermusik curriculum, and use them as an opportunity to get outside, play, and enjoy the changing season!